Yes, completely true, i have more or less been ignoring this place. I did claim (probably still do) having better things to do (on/off). That said, i´ve decided to try and see if i can revive this place, so if anyone is still out there listening, watching, or just eavesdropping.... Here´s what´s up.
For a couple of years now, i have been working my a$$ off, in a place i did not belong. I have now quit said place, in order to go out and claim what i think can be mine, or merely part of it. Yup, I have stuck it to the man, ready to live on my ass doing all the things i love the most.
I wanna get back in the game where i blog more, play more music, draw more, create and invent all the things that i have had in the back of my head these last 2 "strange" years. Not that i haven´t been productive, but.... generally speaking/thinking : I want more!.
So in order to boost myself and my self esteem, i´m just gonna start off by doing some posts about what i´ve been up to. They absolutely double as excuses for me not blogging. :)
Early 2010 - Graphic Design for Danish band The Kissaway Trail: Including Lp album cover, Cd cover, 2 x vinyl single covers, Posters, Shop decor, T-shirts, Banners, Backdrop and more.
May 2010 to current time - On the more "bloggy" side i´ve been busy with a photo project entitled Homes And Homage. A Copenhagen photo documentary about "vandalism". So far i´ve taken over 600 photos of inner Copenhagen graffiti vandalism. Nearly 300 of them are displayed over here . 500 of these photos will make it to a book coming out in the spring of 2011.
Here´s a sneak peek:
More excuses later.